Monday, April 12, 2010

Friends / Extended Family

There are some people who have not gotten the credit they deserve. They are the most genuine, kind, and faithful people I have ever met.

(No particular order)
Jenny (Hulk :P)
Leah (Cyclops ;])

I can't forget my pastors either...
Pastor Mark
Pastor Mike

You guys have been have been a huge help through the past few months. You all have helped me face a lot of new challenges, and have helped me defeat a lot of old problem, along with some new ones. I am truly honored to call you guys my friends. Even when we are just hanging out I can really relax and have a good time. You all also have helped keep me humble and reminded me who is in control. God has really used you guys in my life in a really amazing way. I thank God for you guys. I don't think I've ever told you guys how much you mean to me and that is stupid on my part. So THANK YOU!!!!... for everything. Even when you might not think you are helping, you are.

That's all I wanted to say for tonight.
More blogs to come soon. Maybe even some stories :P